computing machine

美 [kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ məˈʃiːn]英 [kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ məˈʃiːn]
  • n.计算机
computing machinecomputing machine


a machine for performing calculations automatically
Synonym: computer computing device data processor electronic computer information processing system


  1. The computing machine in which no software is installed .


  2. This topic naturally leads to the question as to how far it is in principle possible for a computing machine to simulate human activities .


  3. Computer is a computing machine !


  4. We could even imagine a computing machine that was made to work with a memory based on books .


  5. It was the first general-purpose , electronic computing machine and was capable of performing thousands of operations per second .


  6. It is the first programmable autonomous computing machine in which the input , output , software and hardware are all made of biomolecules .


  7. Furthermore , interlock computing machine , relay circuit and all-electronic module are made of redundancy structure , they are expensive .


  8. This paper makes investigation on the characteristics of a computing machine , and gives emphasis to the application and management works , as well as some problems to be solved .


  9. Another electromechanical computing machine was developed by Howard Aiken , with financial assistance from IBM , at Harvard University in1943 .


  10. With the numerical and analytical combined method the rotor can be freely rotated during magnetic field computation , which provides great convenience for computing machine induced electromotive force , electromagnetic torque and dynamic process etc.


  11. Writing to von Neumann on 8 February 1946 , Newman had explained that he was hoping to embark on a computing machine section here , having got very interested in electronic devices of this kind during the last two or three years .


  12. That is a common challenge for pattern analysis , data mining , soft computing and machine learning .


  13. Most of us remember Alan Turing as a pioneer of computing and machine intelligence .


  14. The DAMO Academy aims to attract world-class talent in such areas as quantum computing , machine learning , basic algorithms and network security .


  15. So when fortune set out to understand the future of computing , machine learning , and even transportation , we turned to page to learn about how Google is reinventing just about everything & including itself .


  16. Advances in smart devices , mobile wireless communications , sensor networks , pervasive computing , machine learning , middleware and agent technologies , and human computer interfaces have made the dream of smart environments a reality .


  17. In this paper , we discuss the promotion of bioinformatics to computer science from many aspects including database technology , massive storage technology , data mining , computer geometry , grid computing , machine learning , artificial intelligence , web service .


  18. Two Basic Computing Modes for Machine Element Reliability Design


  19. At present , using trusted computing in virtual machine is still at the beginning . There are many issues to be studied .


  20. A prediction . method of application 's execution time was proposed in this paper , which combine the statistic data , computing workload and machine 's computing speed . model .


  21. Grid Computing Using in Robot Machine


  22. Java is not only a program language , but also an implement technology for distributed computing . Java Virtual Machine ( JVM ) is in the core of Java technology .


  23. They aren 't simply large-screen phones . They are a distinctly new type of computing device , a machine that is often more useful , and more versatile , than either smartphones or laptops .


  24. The core idea of MDA is to separate the model with the realization , so that the procedure of software developing can be simplified into building up business logical model then creating code on specific computing platform automatically by machine .


  25. The application of an algorithm based on weighted least squares estimation method measuring and computing parameters of synchronous machine is studied , these parameters can be directly obtained by repeatedly processing the armature voltage and field current data of load rejection tests .


  26. This paper expands the flag of ipv6 multicast format , increased for Cloud Computing of virtual multicast address , so as to realize the sign a client can get more Cloud Computing virtual machine service .


  27. At present , grid computing can implement the virtualization of diffused resources in WAN , but things are different when it faces single computing system . That is to say , it cannot implement the virtualization of single computing system like virtual machine .
